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Bounce Back: How to Be a Resilient Kid

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

Title: Bounce Back: How to Be a Resilient Kid

Author: Wendy L. Moss, PhD

Publisher: Magination Press: Washington, DC, 2016

Magination Press is a registered trademark of the American Psychological Association.

Bounce Back was written to teach 8- to 12-year-olds how to grow in resiliency so they can face life’s difficulties without becoming overwhelmed. The book describes numerous real-life situations and how kids handled them, whether positively or negatively. Some examples include:

· falling prey to peer pressure

· struggling with perfectionism

· speaking in front of a group

· engaging in negative self-talk after experiencing a disappointment

· being teased

· losing a competition

· setting realistic goals

· spotting exaggerated feelings

· overreacting and underreacting

The brief stories and simple writing style make this book an easy read. It’s full of self-reflection questions along the way to help readers apply what they’re learning. Each chapter begins with a set of questions about the chapter’s topic to help readers gage where they stand. The chapters also include a short paragraph called Did You Know? that highlights research about the topic.

The book helps readers recognize when they’re stressed, pinpoint stress triggers, and use different strategies to handle the stress. Some strategies are self-talk, calming exercises, breathing exercises, and role playing. It also discusses emotions and how to be aware of them, which can help a person become more resilient. “Even when you can’t change the situation, you can change how you react to it and deal with it,” Dr. Moss explains.

One story that’s especially enlightening likens problems to pebbles, small rocks, medium rocks, and boulders. It helps readers determine whether the problem they’re facing is minor, major, or in-between, and respond appropriately.

Parents could easily use this book to discuss applicable topics with younger children. Older children could glean insights from it as well. Bounce Back is a great launching point for learning how to handle life’s lemons in a more mature way.

About the Author

Dr. Moss has a doctorate in clinical psychology, is a license psychologist with a certification in school psychology. She has practiced for 30+ years and authored/co-authored five other books for kids and teachers.


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